Tosca Online Training

Tosca Online Training

Our Training Institutes to expand your skills and knowledge. We Provides the best learning Environment. Obtain all the training by our expert professionals which is having working experience from Top IT companies.

The Tosca Online Training in is every thing we explained based on real time scenarios, it works which we do in companies.

Experts Training sessions will absolutely help you to get in-depth knowledge on the subject.

Tosca Course Content

Introduction to Automation

  • What is automation
  • When and Why automation
  • Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction to TOSCA

  • Brief intro on other tools (UFT, Selenium)
  • Pros & Cons of other tools
  • TOSCA introduction

Installation / Setup

  • System Requirements
  • Process to install Tosca
  • Import Standard Module
  • Types of Licenses

Tosca Commander

  • Tosca Addons/Sections
    • Requirements
    • Modules
    • Test Cases
    • Execution List
    • Test Case Design
  • Checkin, Checkout and Update All

Record / Playback

  • Record and playback features
  • Generate script via recording

Modules and Test Cases Section

  • What is Object Identification
  • How Tosca identifies objects
  • How to scan and create module
  • Create a basic test case
  • Various methods for Object Identification
    • By Properties
    • By Anchor
    • By Image
    • By Index
  • Exercises

Action Modes

  • Working with various action modes
    • Input
    • Verify
    • WaitOn
    • Buffer
    • Select
    • Constraint
  • Exercises


  • WaitOn
  • Default Settings
  • Static Wait

Standard Modules

  • Buffer Operations
    • How to set buffer
    • How to delete a buffer
    • Partial buffer
  • Expression Evaluator
  • Window Operations
    • Send Keys
    • Window Operations
  • Process Operations

Arithmetic Operations, String Operations, Dynamic Expressions

  • MATH
    • Arithmetic operations
    • Min, Max, Round, Truncate etc
  • CALC
    • Len
    • Substitute
    • Trim
  • Random Numbers , Random Text

Date Operations

  • System date
  • Setting dynamic date
  • Formatting date in required format

Reusable Test Step Blocks

  • Business Parameters
  • How to create and use Libraries
  • Exercises

Conditions and Loops

  • Conditional Statement
  • If Else Condition
  • Repetitions (Loops)

Working with Tables

  • Use of Constraint
  • Dynamic handling of data
  • DB Expert module

Classic Engine

  • Usage of Classic modules
  • AidPack

Working with Excel

  • Input data to Excel file
  • Verify excel data etc

Test Case Design

  • Create data in TCD
  • Mapping and Template conversion
  • Generating test cases from Instances
  • Linear Expansion and All Combinations
  • Exercises

More on Modules

  • Adding Technical parameters
  • Steering parameters
  • Dynamic handling of Objects

Execution List

  • Create execution set
  • Test Cases linking to execution set
  • Execution Results

Risk Based Approach

  • Create Requirements
  • Frequency and Damage Class
  • Calculate Risk
  • Test cases mapping to Requirements
  • Execution List mapping to Requirements

Recovery Scenarios and Reporting

  • Recovery Scenario
  • Clean up Scenario
  • Generate Report


  • Project creation using all the sections discussed above as done in real time based on Tricentis Standards.

Interview Questions

  • Discuss and guide on interview questions.

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