Selenium Online Training
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Spiritsofts is the best Training Institutes to expand your skills and knowledge. We Provides the best learning Environment. Obtain all the training by our expert professional which is having working experience from Top IT companies.The Training in is every thing we explained based on real time scenarios, it works which we do in companies.
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Selenium Testing Course Content
Different flavors in Selenium
- Selenium Web Driver/Selenium 2.0
- Selenium-Grid
Selenium IDE
- Installing Selenium IDE
- Selenium IDE icons
- Recording your first test with Selenium IDE
- IDE Context Menu
- Assert
- Verify
- Adding Selenium IDE comments
- Synchronization commands
- Working on pages with AJAX
- Storing elements
- Creating test suites
- What you cannot record
Locators & Object Identification
- Tools to identify elements/objects
- Firebug
- IE Developer tools
- Google Chrome Developer tools
- Locating elements by ID
- Finding elements by name
- Finding elements by link text
- Finding elements by XPath
- Finding Elements by using CSS
- Summary
- Some Special IDE commands
- Write your own Selenium IDE script without record and playback
Java For Web Driver
- Introducing the JAVA technology:
- Relating Java with other languages
- Showing how to download, install, and configure the Java
- environment on a Windows system
- Key features of the technology and advantages of using Java
- Java Features
- Write Simple Java Program
- Compile and Run the class files
- Java Programming format
- Java Keywords
- Java Data Types
- Declarations and Access Control
- Operators and Assignments
- Flow Control
- Typecasting
- Arrays
- Introduction to all predefined packages
- User Defined Packages
- Access Specifiers
Object Oriented Programming Concepts:
- Introduction
- Class
- Object
- Local, Instance and static variables
- Constructors
- This keyword
- Inheritance and Types
- Working with super classes and sub classes
- Using types of polymorphism such as overloading, overriding, and
- dynamic
- binding
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Abstract classes
- Interfaces
String Processing:
- String manipulation with String Builder and String Buffer
- Essential String Methods
Exceptions and Assertions:
- Introduction
- Exceptions categories
- Standard Java Exception classes
- Using Try-catch and finally clause
I/O Streams:
- I/O using Java
- Files (Create/Read/Write operations on files)
Wrapper Classes:
- Introduction
- Byte, Short, Integer, Long
- Float, Double
- Character
- Boolean classes
- Introduction to Collections framework
- util Package
- List, Set and Map
- Difference of All Collections Interfaces and classes
- Reading data from Property files using java program
- Reading and Writing data from/to Excel files using Apache POI
Junit Frame Work:
- Running Java Programs using junit
- Writing Selenium tests from scratch using Junit Framework
- JUNIT Annotations
- JUNIT Methods
- Frequently used Selenium commands
- Test Suites using JUNIT
- Parameterized test cases using junit framework
TestNG Framework
- Overview of TestNG
- Environment of TestNG
- Writing WebDriver Test Cases using TestNG
- Basic Annotations of TestNG
- Executing Tests
- Executing Test Suites
- Ignore Test
- Dependency Test
- Parameterized Tests
- TestNG XML
- Report Generation
- Why Web Driver?
- Downloading web driver Jars configuring in eclipse
- Architecture of selenium webdriver
- Drivers for Firefox, IE, Chrome, Iphone, Android etc
- What is the difference between Selenium RC and WD?
Sample programs in web driver
- Handel Text box
- Handel Hyperlink
- Handel Button and Check box
- Handel Radio Button and Drop Down Controls
- Select value from Drop Down
- Display all values
- Select values step by step
- Capture screenshots
- Synchronization Commands In Web Driver
- Why Implicit wait and Implementation of Implicit wait
- Why Explicit wait and Implementation of Explicit wait
- Web Driver Fluent wait and Thread Sleep functionality
- File uploads and File downloads (Handling Window based
- controls using Robot and Sikuli API)
- Handling alerts box and Verifying the Alert Texts
- Handling confirmation messages
- Keyboard actions
- Mouse actions
- Handling Iframes working with Nested Iframes
- Handling multiple tabs
- Handling popups
- Preparing web driver test cases using customized x-path
- Identifying controls using x-path predefined functions
- Web Tables
- What is Web Table
- Extracting data from web tables
- Examples on static and dynamic Web Tables
- Creating Reusable functions for Web Tables
- Web Driver with TEST NG Frame Work
- Batch Running Test cases using TestNG
- Validations and its usage in Automation test scripts
- Customized Report Generation
- Implementing Logs using Apache Log4j API
- Database testing using Web Driver
Working with multiple browsers
- Executing Automation Test Cases in multiple browsers
- Sequentially
- Working with Chrome and IE browsers
- What is Firefox Profile And Implementation of Firefox Profile
- What is WebDriver Desired Capabilities class
- Executing Automation Test Cases in multiple browsers Parallel
Maven Project Management Tool
- Introduction about maven
- High Level Overview
- Ant vs Maven
- Installation of Maven
- Demo using Sample Maven Project
- Maven Structure
Introduction of Maven Folder Structure
- The pom.xml
- Dependencies
- Goals
- Local Reo Structure
- Defaults
- Sample Demo of Build Session of Maven Project
- Maven Dependencies
- Dependency version
- Versions
- Types
- Transitive Dependencies
- Scopes
- Maven Repositories
- What is a Repository
- Dependency Repository
- Adding a Repository
- Plugin Repository
- Maven Eclipse Integration
- Demo Installation
- Importing Projects
- Converting Existing Projects
- Pom Viewer
- Effective Pom
Version controlling tool GITHUB
- Downloading and configuring Github
- Difference between CVC Versus DVC
- Basic Git Commands
- Working with Repositories
- Setting up Repositories
- Local and Remote Repositories
- Create repository and cloning projects
- Committing and Syncing the code
- Reverting and Rolling Back the Code
- Branch and Merging Concepts and Implementation
- Stashing Changes
- Resolving the Conflicts
Database testing using web driver
- Installing MySQL Database
- sql package
- Overview on Connection Interface, Statement Interface,
- Prepared Statement and Result set Interfaces.
- Example program to Access Database.
- Some examples on SELECT,UPDATE and DELETE queues
- Some Web driver examples using Data fetched from Database
Automation Test Frame Work
- How to develop Test automation frame work in live environment
- What is a frame work
- Types of frame work
- Data driven frame work
- Modular driven frame work
- Keyword driven frame work
- User Defined Keyword driven framework with implementation
- Execute test scripts from the framework
Continuous Integration Testing using Jenkins
- About Jenkins
- History of Jenkins
- Splitting of Projects
- What is Continues Integration
- Installing Jenkins
- Creating a simple job
- Integrating Jenkins to the Project
The Fundamentals of RESTFul Services in Java
- What is Jersey?
- RESTFul Architecture
- Using HTTP GET Demo
- Test Created New REST Service USING HTTP GET
- JSON Output for HTTP GET
- Using HTTP POST Demo
- Test Service USING HTTP POST
- JSON Output for HTTP POST
- Using HTTP PUT Demo
- Test Service USING HTTP PUT
- JSON Output for HTTP PUT
- Using HTTP DELETE Demo
Interview Questions on
- Selenium IDE
- Selenium webdriver and Automation Testing
- Core Java
- Manual Testing Concepts
- Overview on Selenium Grid
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