Apache Storm Online Training
Enroll for expert level Online Apache Storm Training by certified experts, Learn Apache Storm 1.1.0 /1.1.1 training course with live tutorial videos. Attend demo for free & you will find Spiritsofts is the best online training Institute within reasonable fee, updated course material.
We Provides the best learning Environment. Obtain all the training by our expert professionals which is having working experience from Top IT companies.
Introduction Of Big Data And Storm
In this module, you will get understanding of Big Data World, Batch Analytics, Real Time Analytics, Storm for Real Time Analytics, Basics of Storm, its origin, architecture and its comparison with hadoop.
- What is Big data
- Big Data Analytics: Batch Vs Real Time
- Hadoop for Batch Analytics
- Shortcomings of Hadoop
- Storm for Real Time Analytics
- What is Storm
- Use Cases of Storm
- Components of Storm
- Properties of Storm
- Storm Vs Hadoop.
Storm Technology Stack And Groupings
In this module, you’ll learn Storm Installation, different run modes of Storm, Creating a simple program and different topologies available in Storm.
- Storm Installation
- Storm Running Modes
- Creating First Storm Topology
- Topologies in Storm.
Spouts And Bolts In Storm
This module covers on Spouts and Bolts and also about two basic building blocks of any Storm topology.
- Reliable Vs Unreliable Messages
- Getting Data
- Bolt Life cycle
- Bolt Structure
- Reliable Vs Unreliable Bolts.
Trident Topologies In Storm
In this module, you’ll learn about Design and Trident in Storm and also the concepts like Strom Spout, RQ Class and different types of Bolts in Storm.
- Design and Trident in Storm
- Storm Spout, RQ Class, Co-ordinator
- Emitter, Bolt and Committer Bolts in Storm
- Partitioned Transactional Spouts
Real Life Storm Project
The project module is an important phase of storm training, consisting of discussion about real life projects and how to write customized code and execution to improve your skills.
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