AWS Developer Interview Questions And Answers

AWS Developer Interview Questions And Answers

Our experts providing  AWS Developer interview questions & Answers/Faqs can develop your carrier & knowledge to find the right job in a good MNC’s, doesn’t matter what kind of company you’re hired.

1) Explain what is AWS?1) Explain what is AWS?
AWS stands for Amazon Web Service; it is a collection of remote computing services also known as cloud computing platform.  This new realm of cloud computing is also known as IaaS or Infrastructure as a Service.
2) Mention what are the key components of AWS?
The key components of AWS are
Route 53: A DNS web serviceSimple E-mail Service: It allows sending e-mail using RESTFUL API call or via regular SMTPIdentity and Access Management: It provides enhanced security and identity management for your AWS accountSimple Storage Device or (S3): It is a storage device and the most widely used AWS serviceElastic Compute Cloud (EC2): It provides on-demand computing resources for hosting applications. It is very useful in case of unpredictable workloadsElastic Block Store (EBS): It provides persistent storage volumes that attach to EC2 to allow you to persist data past the lifespan of a single EC2CloudWatch: To monitor AWS resources, It allows administrators to view and collect key Also, one can set a notification alarm in case of trouble.

3) Explain what is S3?
S3 stands for Simple Storage Service. You can use S3 interface to store and retrieve any amount of data, at any time and from anywhere on the web.  For S3, the payment model is “pay as you go”.
4) Explain what is AMI?
AMI stands for Amazon Machine Image.  It’s a template that provides the information (an operating system, an application server and applications) required to launch an instance, which is a copy of the AMI running as a virtual server in the cloud.  You can launch instances from as many different AMIs as you need.
5) Mention what is the relation between an instance and AMI?
From a single AMI, you can launch multiple types of instances.  An instance type defines the hardware of the host computer used for your instance. Each instance type provides different compute and memory capabilities.  Once you launch an instance, it looks like a traditional host, and we can interact with it as we would with any computer.
6) What does an AMI include?
An AMI includes the following things
A template for the root volume for the instanceLaunch permissions decide which AWS accounts can avail the AMI to launch instancesA block device mapping that determines the volumes to attach to the instance when it is launched

7) How can you send request to Amazon S3?
Amazon S3 is a REST service, you can send request by using the REST API or the AWS SDK wrapper libraries that wrap the underlying Amazon S3 REST API.

 8) Mention what is the difference between Amazon S3 and EC2?The difference between EC2 and Amazon S3 is that
EC2 S3It is a cloud web service used for hosting your applicationIt is a data storage system where any amount of data can be storedIt is like a huge computer machine which can run either Linux or Windows and can handle application like PHP, Python, Apache or any databasesIt has a REST interface and uses secure HMAC-SHA1 authentication keys

9) How many buckets can you create in AWS by default?
By default, you can create upto 100 buckets in each of your AWS accounts.
10) Explain can you vertically scale an Amazon instance? How?

Yes, you can vertically scale on Amazon instance. For that
Spin up a new larger instance than the one you are currently runningPause that instance and detach the root webs volume from the server and discardThen stop your live instance and detach its root volumeNote the unique device ID and attach that root volume to your new serverAnd start it again

11) Explain what is T2 instances?
T2 instances are designed to provide moderate baseline performance and the capability to burst to higher performance as required by workload.
12) In VPC with private and public subnets, database servers should ideally be launched into which subnet?
With private and public subnets in VPC, database servers should ideally launch into private subnets.
13) Mention what are the security best practices for Amazon EC2?
For secure Amazon EC2 best practices, follow the following steps
Use AWS identity and access management to control access to your AWS resourcesRestrict access by allowing only trusted hosts or networks to access ports on your instanceReview the rules in your security groups regularlyOnly open up permissions that your requireDisable password-based login, for instance, launched from your AMI

14) Explain how the buffer is used in Amazon web services?
The buffer is used to make the system more robust to manage traffic or load by synchronizing different component.  Usually, components receive and process the requests in an unbalanced way, With the help of buffer, the components will be balanced and will work at the same speed to provide faster services.
15) While connecting to your instance what are the possible connection issues one might face?
The possible connection errors one might encounter while connecting instances are
Connection timed outUser key not recognized by the serverHost key not found, permission deniedUnprotected private key fileServer refused our key or No supported authentication method availableError using MindTerm on Safari BrowserError using Mac OS X RDP Client…… For more   Click Here

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