Hadoop Testing Online Training
Our Institute offer Online Hadoop Testing Training by Winsomesoft, Learn Hadoop Testing Certification Training with Course Material, Tutorial Videos, Attend Demo for free & you will find Winsomesoft is the best Online Training Institute within reasonable fee.
We are also providing Corporate training, Classroom Training, Online Training and Self Faced Video Training
Winsomesoft is the best Training Institutes to expand your skills and knowledge. We Provides the best learning Environment. Obtain all the training by our expert professionals which is having working experience from Top IT companies.
The Training in is every thing we explained based on real time scenarios, it works which we do in companies.
Experts Training sessions will absolutely help you to get in-depth knowledge on the subject.
- Creation of Amazon Elastic Mapreduce instance.
- Cloudera VM.
- Complete overview of system architecture, including data flow and components theory.
- Overview of HDFS, including basic commands to move data in and from HDFS.
- Overview of Mappers and Reducers.
- Locating the blocks of data in HDFS.
- Learning to browse the HDFS file system using UI.
Map Reduce Jobs
- Running a map reduce code written in Java.
- Looking at the logs generated by the job.
- Interpreting the output messages printed by a job.
- Monitoring the progress for the hadoop jobs in the UI.
- Interpreting the output of the job
- Overview of HIVE architecture
- Hive Query Language
- Writing and running Hive queries on Hadoop
- Pig Architecture
- Pig Latin Language
- Writing and running Pig Latin scripts
- Difference between Pig and Hive.
POC And Lab Exercise
- End-End demonstration of a POC
- Instructions for implementing an exercise.
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