MEAN Stack Online Training
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Best Institute for learn exert level Online MEAN Stack Training By Experts, Learn MEAN Stack Certification Training with Course Material, Tutorial Videos, Attend Demo for free & you will find Winsomesoft is the best institute within reasonable fee, Job Support
Winsomesoft is the best Training Institutes to expand your skills and knowledge. We Provides the best learning Environment. Obtain all the training by our expert professional which is having working experience from Top IT companies.The Training in is every thing we explained based on real time scenarios, it works which we do in companies.
Experts Training sessions will absolutely help you to get in-depth knowledge on the subject.
MEAN Training Outline
- The Node.js framework
- Installing Node.js
- Using Node.js to execute scripts
Node Projects
- The Node Package Manager
- Creating a project
- The package.json configuration file
- Global vs. local package installation
- Automating tasks with Grunt.
- The HTTP protocol
- Building an HTTP server
- Rendering a response
- Processing query strings
- Using Representational State Transfer
- Configuring TLS
File System
- Synchronous vs. asynchronous I/O
- Path and directory operations
- __dirname and __filename
- Asynchronous file reads and writes
Buffers, Streams, and Events
- Using buffers for binary data
- Flowing vs. non-flowing streams
- Streaming I/O from files and other sources
- Processing streams asynchronously
- Configuring event handler
Modules and Unit Testing
- Modularization
- The CommonJS and RequireJS specifications
- Defining modules with exports
- Modules are singletons
- Creating a package
- Module scope and construction
- Unit testing frameworks
- What to test and how to test it
- Building unit tests with Jasmine
- The model-view-controller pattern
- Building a front-end controller
- Defining routes
- Creating actions
- Using REST
- Reading POST data
- Adding middleware
Data Sources
- How Node.js connects to databases
- RDBMS databases and NoSQL databases
- Connecting to RDBMS and NoSQL databases
- Performing CRUD operations
- Building client requests to web services
What is MongoDB?
- The current SQL/NoSQL landscape
- Document-oriented vs. other types of storage
- Mongo’s featureset
- Common use-cases
Introduction to JSON
- Documents and Collections
- Creating documents
- Managing documents in collections
- Iterating over documents
Simple Queries
- Field equality tests
- Operators available
- Projections
- Limiting results and paging
Simple Updates and Deletes
- Field updates
- Field insertions and removal
- Document deletion
More Complex Types of Queries
- Existential field values
- Aggregations and groups
- Aggregations and groups in hierarchical data
Updates and Arrays
- Altering array field elements
- Insertion to array fields
- Removing from array fields
Indexing 1
- The primary index and the _id field
- Problems requiring an index
- Defining secondary indexes
- Compound indexes
Indexing 2
- Index selection
- Index hints
- Covering indexes
- Index storage size
- Indexes effect insertion and update speeds
Mongo RESTful API
- CRUD operations through REST
- Using Mongoose with Node.js
- Explanation of MapReduce
- Types of logic that can be expressed as MapReduce declarations
- Mapping documents
- Reducing values
Mongo Security
- Authorization and securing collections, documents
- The limits of Mongo’s authorization scheme
- Authentication
- Mongo in the enterprise
Mongo Replication and Sharding (optional)
- Configuring replication
- Configuring sharding
- Accessing clustered data from client APIs
- Latency and consistency in replicated and sharded Mongo
Introduction to AngularJS
- What does AngularJS do for me?
- Who controls AngularJS?
- How can I get AngularJS?
Our first AngularJS application
- A basic application
- Using angular-seed
- The pieces of the puzzle
- How it fits together
- Model, View, Controller from the AngularJS Perspective
Single Page Applications
- What do we mean by Single Page Application?
- Creating Angular Modules
- Using Angular’s Routing Service
- Creating a Skeleton Single Page Application
- Where Controllers fit in, and what they do, from Angular’s perspective
- Managing Scope
- Setting up Behavior
- Building a basic controller
- A more advanced controller
- How to create a model
- Explicit models
- Implicit models
- Angular’s take on the View: a little bit different
- Tying a View to a Controller
- Tying a View to a model
- Expressions are lightweight code snippets
- Expression capabilities
- Limitations
- The border between expressions and $eval
- Standard filters
- Writing your own filter
- Tying filters together
- What are scopes?
- What do scopes provide?
- Scope lifecycle
- Scopes as glue between controller and view
- Scope hierarchies
- Scope and events
Angular Forms
- Angular forms vs HTML forms
- Angular form controls
- Form events
- The form controller
- Form validation
- Ajax, Data, and Angular
- Directives
- Testing in Angular
- Overview of MEAN.IO/MEAN.JS (select one)
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