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PEGA Interview Questions & Answers

Our experts providing  PEGA  interview questions & answers/Faqs can develop your carrier & knowledge to find the right job in a good MNC’s, doesn’t matter what kind of company you’re hired.

1)What Is The Difference Between Listview And Summaryview ?

A summary view rule defines a two-level report display, presenting summary counts, totals or averages to be displayed initially, and allowing users to click a row to drill down to supporting detail for that row.
Summary view rules support interactive charts, trend reports, and the use of AJAX for pop-up Smart Info windows.
A summary view rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-SummaryView rule type. This rule type is part of the Reports category.
A list view rule, an instance of the Rule-Obj-ListView rule type, defines a report. Users can personalize list view reports easily and interact with them.
Use the Report wizard to define list view reports and link them to our portal.

2)How To Call A List View From An Activity?

In an activity, the Obj-List-View can execute a list view rule.

3)What Is Paging In A Listview?

To divide the ListView in to different pages and set the number of records to be displayed in a page.

4)Can we refer the property without exposing in Reports?

We can refer the propertys in Display tab without exposing.
But we can’t refer the property without exposing in Critera fields of the Content tab.

5)What the class of getContent Activity?

Embed-ListParams class.

6) What is the activity responsible for getting the data in List View?

getContent Activity

7)How to customize the getContent Activity?

Step1: Create Activity in Our Class and create the New page
Step2: write a query and store in variable.
Step3: call the listview as Call Rule-Obj-ListView
Step4: Write the another activity in Embed-ListParams
Step5: create the parameter. This parameter get the sql query from previous activity
Step6: write Java method The java code in this method is
Get the page from pyContentPage if page already exists. If page is not available it creates the new ContentPage.
In this code get the sql query from the above parameter and pass this query and above created ContentPage as parameters to this tools.getDatabase().executeRDB(query, pagename) method.

8)How do we fetch the data from two different tables with out using two different tables?

Write a database View. In this view logically combine the Two different tables.
Create class for this logically combined Table.
Write the List View. Applies to class is class of the Combined table. So we can refer the properties of both the tables in list view.

9)Explain the operation of Activity-End method?

Use the Activity-End method to cause the system to End the current activity and all calling activities.
Ex:if Alpha calls Beta, which calls Gamma, which calls Delta, which performs the Activity-End method, all four activities are ended.

10) Explain about Exit-Activity method?

The Exit-Activity method ends the current activity and returns control to the calling activity.

11) Explain about Page-Copy method?

Page-Copy method is used to copy the contents of a source clipboard page to a new or previously created destination clipboard page. The source page is not altered.
After this method completes, the destination page contains properties copied from the source page, and can contain additional properties from a model.

12) Explain about Page-New method?

The Page-New method is used to create a page on the clipboard. The new page may be a top-level page or an embedded page.
We can identify a model to initialize the newly created page. The model can set values for one or more properties.

13) Explain about Page-Remove method?

Page-Remove method is used to delete one or more pages from the clipboard. The contents of the database are not affected.

14) Explain about Page-Set-Messages method?

Use the Page-Set-Messages method to add a message to a clipboard page. Like a message associated with a property, a message associated with a page normally prevents the page from being saved into the database.

15) Explain about Property-Set-Message?

Property-Set-Message method is used to associate a text message with a property or a step page. The system reads the appropriate property and adds the message to the page. We can provide the entire literal text of the message, or reference a message rule key that in turn contains message text. (Rule-Message rule type).

16) Explain about Property-Map-DecisionTable method?

Use the Property-Map-DecisionTable method to evaluate a decision table rule and save the result as the value of a property.

17) Explain about Property-Map-DecisionTree method?

The Property-Map-DecisionTree method is used to evaluate a decision tree rule (Rule-Declare-DecisionTree rule type) and store the result as the value of a property.

18) Explain about Property-Map-Value?

The Property-Map-Value method evaluates a one-dimensional map value (Rule-Obj-MapValue rule type) defined in the parameter. The method sets the result as a value for a Single Value property.
The related method Property-Map-ValuePair works similarly for two-dimensional map values.

19) Explain about Property-Remove method?

Property-Remove method is used to delete a property or properties and its associated value from the step page or another specified page. This does not affect the property rule, its definition.

20) Explain about Property-Set method?

Property-Set method is used to set the value of one or more specified properties.

21) Explain about Show-HTML method?

The Show-HTML method is used to cause the activity to process an HTML rule and send the resulting HTML to a user for display by Internet Explorer. This may involve the interpretation of JSP tags (or the older directives), which can access the clipboard to obtain property values, or can insert other HTML rules, and so on.

22) Explain about Show-Page method?

The Show-Page method is used to send an XML representation of the step page to a user’s Internet Explorer browser session, as an aid to debugging.
Note: Use Show-Page and Show-Property only for debugging.

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