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AWS Technical Course Content
Introduction to AWS services and products
Amazon web services has to offer a wide range of products and services for the individuals and the organizations so that they can execute or fulfill their day to day responsibilities in an enhanced way. The following is a list of all products and services based on categories that AWS is providing:
- Solving computing problems
- Providing storage solutions
- Helping out with different databases
- Enhancing data migration services
- Providing networking and content delivery systems
- Developer tools
- Management tools
- Security and Identity-related tools
- Mobile services
- Analytics- reporting services
- Artificial intelligence
- Messaging services
- Game development etc
Well, these are few categories where AWS services or products are available and within each and every category there might be different services are offered based on the requirement.
Data center design concepts
Cloud architect technology and its implementation
The term Cloud Architecture refers to various components in terms of database, software capabilities, applications etc. Where they are helping out millions of users to leverage the true power of cloud resources which are entitled to solve business problems.
They are three different components that are available in Cloud Architecture, they are:
- On-premises resources
- Cloud resources
- Software components and services
- middleware
The main aim of cloud architecture is to provide the users with the following benefits, they are listed as follows:
- Higher bandwidth
- Uninterrupted access to the data and the application
- On-demand environment scalability
- Easy migration
- Network security aspects.
They are various cloud-based architectures that are available and unique in its own :
- Saas platform
- Daas platform
- Pass Platform
- Iaas Platform
Identifying key requirements of a business
Understanding the key requirements of a business is the first and foremost vital point of any executions. Based on the requirements, the whole implementation process starts and it will be a stepping stone for the entire project management team.
Another key feature of this is to make sure that you understand all the essential products and services that are offered by AWS. This will help you understand and evaluate the business requirements and also possible suggestions can be made whenever needed.
For this one has to go through AWS Essential training session.
Various job opportunities and career options for certified AWS Technical Essential trainers
As the resources and tools provided by AWS are increasing day by day and their popularity has caught many of the individuals to gain exposure towards this tool so that they can bank of these jobs. Most of the people over the world are looking up to these tools where it represents the next generation tools and is getting eager to gain more exposure.
Using these tools you can get to a whole new level of cloud computing and the challenges are also taken up to next level. The best part of AWS is that it is well accepted throughout the world and most important organizations are aggressively looking after talent in this genre.
The average salary of the individual who is in AWS Technical is around $ 98,000 per annum.
This technology is widely used by top organizations and opportunities are ever growing and there is no limit to the operations side of it.
Identifying core AWS solutions that are beneficial for a business
All the services that are available in AWS platform are very simple to use and have addressed the real-time problems that most of the developer’s experience in their day to day life. Some of the core benefits of AWS products or services that are helping out business in many different ways:
- Simple and easy: The overall process to implement any tool is very easy compared to rest of the tools.
- Elastic: This is one of the best feature or benefit that AWS offers. All the resources that are utilized during the process , the billing will be based on the resource utilized.
- Reliable: The AWS resources are available round the clock and there is no expected downtime while migration, if experienced then the source data will still be active and the applications can work as they are intended to. Thus making the AWS resources reliable.
- Scalable: The resources are not fixed, so based on the requirement and the current need the environment would accommodate that and help the application to run smoothly without any faults or downtime.