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Winsomesoft is the best Training Institutes to expand your skills and knowledge. We Provides the best learning Environment. Obtain all the training by our expert professoinal which is having working experience from Top IT companies.
The Training in is every thing we explained based on real time scenarios,it works which we do in companies.
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SAP BO Design Studio Training Course course content
Positioning / Architecture
Create script free applications
- using Analysis components like e.g. Crosstab and Chart
- using Container components
- using Basic components with data bound properties
- using Icons and Images
- using the Scorecard component for highly formatted tables
- understanding the interoperability between the SAP BI clients
Define the layout of applications
- Understanding the usage of Templates
- Using predefined Themes
- Using the direct CSS property
- Using a Custom CSS file
Create advanced applications using scripting techniques
- Introduction to scripting
- Define the navigation behavior of basic components with scripting
- Using local variables in script functions
- Using global variables as URL parameter
- Using global script objects and formater functions
Deploy and optimize applications on mobile devices
Creating and using Maps for Geo-Reporting
Setting Up Bookmarking Scenarios to build up an online composition use case
- Bookmark
- Fragment Bookmark
- Portable Fragment Bookmark
Learn about performance relevant settings and how to analyze performance
- Processing Groups
- Variable Merge / Unmerge
- Background Processing
Complex scripting scenarios like
- generic data source selection
- multiple selections in charts & crosstab