Peoplesoft Interview Questions And Answers

Our experts providing  Peoplesoft HCM  interview questions & Answers/Faqs can develop your carrier & knowledge to find the right job in a good MNC’s, doesn’t matter what kind of company you’re hired.

1)Explain what is PeopleSoft?

PeopleSoft is an organization that provides e-business application software over the internet. It provides software for Human resource management, Supply chain management, CRM or Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Performance Management and so on.

2)Mention what all technical things can PeopleSoft billing can do?

With this application of PeopleSoft many things can be done like

Create bills
Receive billing data from other PeopleSoft applications
Receive billing data from other applications
Create recurring bills, installment bills, inter & intraunit bills and so on
Review and validate bills
Adjust invoices
Calculate sales, use, and value-added taxes
Defer revenue accounting and so on

3)How many types of pages are available in Peoplesoft?
There are total Nine types of pages are available in people soft.
Standard page
Secondary page
Sub page
Popup page
Header and
Footer page
Layout page
Search page
Prompt page

4)Explain what is the use of Publish Utility in PeopleSoft?

The publish utility automates the procedure of copying the contents of the entire table into a legacy system or remote database.

5)Mention what is PeopleSoft Multi-Channel framework?

PeopleSoft multi-channel framework provides an integrated infrastructure to support multiple interaction channels for call center agents or other PeopleSoft users who must respond to notifications and incoming requests. PeopleSoft multi-channel framework supports following channels.

Web collaboration (Chat)
Voice (Telephone)
Instant Messaging

6)Mention what are the different types of service operation does PeopleSoft Integration Broker provides?

PeopleSoft integration broker supports four types of services

Asynchronous one-way
Asynchronous response/request
Asynchronous to synchronous

7)What are the main attributes of a Component Interface (CI)?
Keys, Properties & Collections, Methods and Name

8)You want to update your password and enter a hint for forgotten password What would you access?
User Profile

9)Customization done in Dev DB, Which tool I will use to move it to Prod DB?
Use App Designer and Go Tools > Copy Project > To Database

10)What are parts of an AE program?
Section, Step and Action

11)Which Web Services is only used as a Proxy Server?

12)Where does you set the web server cache?
Webserver file

13)Mention where you can add a value to the underlying table in PeopleSoft?

In PeopleSoft, you can add a value into the “prompt table with no edit”.

14)Explain in what ways you can create exceptions in PeopleSoft?

In PeopleSoft, exceptions are handled in two ways

Creating an exception base class that wraps the built-in function call and handles its function parameters consistently, which is more common way
By calling the built-in function CreateException

15)How do you troubleshoot Application messages staying in Working status?
Possible cause:
1. Message Handler has crashed.
2. The Message Handler processing the message is on another machine, and either the machine or the application server domain is down. The Message handler working on the message is “blocked”. The service will timeout, and the Message Dispatcher will retry the message.

16)what happens when changing from NO EDIT TO EDIT option?

user can type only prompt table values and the default values gets populated from the database.

17)What are the views available in App?

1. Development
2. Upgrade

18)What are Menu types available?

1. Component
2. PeopleCode
3. Separator

19)What are the Search Keys you use to find Patches and Fixes?

1. Release
2. Updated date time
3. Report Id

20)Mention what are the tools are provided by PeopleSoft for testing your integration development?

The tools that are provided by PeopleSoft for testing your integration development

Send master utility
Simple post utility
Automated integration point testing
Transformation test utility
Handler tester
Schema tester…………… For more   Click Here

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Ethical Hacker Interview Questions And Answers

Our experts providing  Ethical Hacker interview questions & Answers/Faqs can develop your carrier & knowledge to find the right job in a good MNC’s, doesn’t matter what kind of company you’re hired.

1)Explain what is Ethical Hacking?

Ethical Hacking is when a person is allowed to hacks the system with the permission of the product owner to find weakness in a system and later fix them.

2)List out some of the common tools used by Ethical hackers?

Meta Sploit
Wire Shark
John The Ripper

3)What are the types of ethical hackers?

The types of ethical hackers are

Grey Box hackers or Cyberwarrior
Black Box penetration Testers
White Box penetration Testers
Certified Ethical hacker

4)What is Enumeration ?

Enumeration is defined as the process of extracting user names, machine names, network resources, shares, and services from a system. Enumeration techniques are conducted in an Intranet Environment.

5)What is LDAP ( Lightweight Directory Access Protocol ) ?

The Lightweight Directory Access protocol is a protocol used to access the directory listings within Active Directory or from the other directory services.

6) Explain what is Brute Force Hack?

Brute force hack is a technique for hacking password and get access to system and network resources, it takes much time, it needs a hacker to learn about JavaScripts. For this purpose, one can use tool name “Hydra”.

7) Explain what is Network Sniffing?

A network sniffer monitors data flowing over computer network links. By allowing you to capture and view the packet level data on your network, sniffer tool can help you to locate network problems. Sniffers can be used for both stealing information off a network and also for legitimate network management.

8)What are the types of hacking stages ?

a. Gain access

b. Getting privilages

c. Executing applications

d. Hiding the files

e. Covering the tracks

9)Types of password cracking techniques?

a. Dictionary attacks

b. Brute Forcing Attacks

c. Hybrid Attack

d. Syllable Attack

e. Rule – based Attack

10)What is MIB ( Management Information Base )?

It is a database (virtual) that contains information about all the network objects that are their in the SNMP. This data base in hierarchic and all the objects contained in it are addressed by object identifier.

11)What is NTP ?

This is protocol whose main function is to synchronize the clocks in the networked or connected computers.

12)Explain what is Pharming and Defacement?

Pharming: In this technique the attacker compromises the DNS ( Domain Name System) servers or on the user computer so that traffic is directed to a malicious site
Defacement: In this technique the attacker replaces the organization website with a different page. It contains the hackers name, images and may even include messages and background music

13)Explain what is Keylogger Trojan?

Keylogger Trojan is malicious software that can monitor your keystroke, logging them to a file and sending them off to remote attackers. When the desired behaviour is observed, it will record the keystroke and captures your login username and password.

14)Definition and types of scanning?

Scanning refers to a set of procedures for identifying hosts, ports, and services in a network. Scanning is one of the components of intelligence gathering for an attacker to create a profile of the target organization.Scanning types :Port ScanningVulnerability ScanningNetwork Scanning………… For more  Click Here

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Hadoop Interview Questions And Answers

Our experts providing  Hadoop  interview questions & Answers/Faqs can develop your carrier & knowledge to find the right job in a good MNC’s, doesn’t matter what kind of company you’re hired.

1)Explain “Big Data” and what are five V’s of Big Data?
“Big data” is the term for a collection of large and complex data sets, that makes it difficult to process using relational database management tools or traditional data processing applications. It is difficult to capture, curate, store, search, share, transfer, analyze, and visualize Big data. Big Data has emerged as an opportunity for companies. Now they can successfully derive value from their data and will have a distinct advantage over their competitors with enhanced business decisions making capabilities.

♣ Tip: It will be a good idea to talk about the 5Vs in such questions, whether it is asked specifically or not!

Volume: The volume represents the amount of data which is growing at an exponential rate i.e. in Petabytes and Exabytes.
Velocity: Velocity refers to the rate at which data is growing, which is very fast. Today, yesterday’s data are considered as old data. Nowadays, social media is a major contributor in the velocity of growing data.
Variety: Variety refers to the heterogeneity of data types. In another word, the data which are gathered has a variety of formats like videos, audios, csv, etc. So, these various formats represent the variety of data.
Veracity: Veracity refers to the data in doubt or uncertainty of data available due to data inconsistency and incompleteness. Data available can sometimes get messy and maybe difficult to trust. With many forms of big data, quality and accuracy are difficult to control. The volume is often the reason behind for the lack of quality and accuracy in the data.
Value: It is all well and good to have access to big data but unless we can turn it into a value it is useless. By turning it into value I mean, Is it adding to the benefits of the organizations? Is the organization working on Big Data achieving high ROI (Return On Investment)? Unless, it adds to their profits by working on Big Data, it is useless.

2)What is Hadoop and its components.
When “Big Data” emerged as a problem, Apache Hadoop evolved as a solution to it. Apache Hadoop is a framework which provides us various services or tools to store and process Big Data. It helps in analyzing Big Data and making business decisions out of it, which can’t be done efficiently and effectively using traditional systems.

♣ Tip: Now, while explaining Hadoop, you should also explain the main components of Hadoop, i.e.:

Storage unit– HDFS (NameNode, DataNode)
Processing framework– YARN (ResourceManager, NodeManager)

3)Name some companies that use Hadoop.?

Yahoo (One of the biggest user & more than 80% code contributor to Hadoop)

4)What are active and passive “NameNodes”?
In HA (High Availability) architecture, we have two NameNodes – Active “NameNode” and Passive “NameNode”.

Active “NameNode” is the “NameNode” which works and runs in the cluster.
Passive “NameNode” is a standby “NameNode”, which has similar data as active “NameNode”.
When the active “NameNode” fails, the passive “NameNode” replaces the active “NameNode” in the cluster. Hence, the cluster is never without a “NameNode” and so it never fails.

5)What is a checkpoint?
In brief, “Checkpointing” is a process that takes an FsImage, edit log and compacts them into a new FsImage. Thus, instead of replaying an edit log, the NameNode can load the final in-memory state directly from the FsImage. This is a far more efficient operation and reduces NameNode startup time. Checkpointing is performed by Secondary NameNode.

6)What is the port number for NameNode, Task Tracker and Job Tracker?

NameNode 50070

Job Tracker 50030

Task Tracker 50060

7)What does ‘jps’ command do?
The ‘jps’ command helps us to check if the Hadoop daemons are running or not. It shows all the Hadoop daemons i.e namenode, datanode, resourcemanager, nodemanager etc. that are running on the machine.

8) Explain about the indexing process in HDFS?
Indexing process in HDFS depends on the block size. HDFS stores the last part of the data that further points to the address where the next part of data chunk is stored.

9)Whenever a client submits a hadoop job, who receives it?

NameNode receives the Hadoop job which then looks for the data requested by the client and provides the block information. JobTracker takes care of resource allocation of the hadoop job to ensure timely completion.

10)What are the main configuration parameters in a “MapReduce” program?
The main configuration parameters which users need to specify in “MapReduce” framework are:

Job’s input locations in the distributed file system
Job’s output location in the distributed file system
Input format of data
Output format of data
Class containing the map function
Class containing the reduce function
JAR file containing the mapper, reducer and driver classes

11)What is the purpose of “RecordReader” in Hadoop?
The “InputSplit” defines a slice of work, but does not describe how to access it. The “RecordReader” class loads the data from its source and converts it into (key, value) pairs suitable for reading by the “Mapper” task. The “RecordReader” instance is defined by the “Input Format”.

12)How do “reducers” communicate with each other?
This is a tricky question. The “MapReduce” programming model does not allow “reducers” to communicate with each other. “Reducers” run in isolation.

13)What is a “Combiner”?
A “Combiner” is a mini “reducer” that performs the local “reduce” task. It receives the input from the “mapper” on a particular “node” and sends the output to the “reducer”. “Combiners” help in enhancing the efficiency of “MapReduce” by reducing the quantum of data that is required to be sent to the “reducers”.

14) What are the different relational operations in “Pig Latin” you worked with?
Different relational operators are:

for each
order by

15) What is a UDF?
If some functions are unavailable in built-in operators, we can programmatically create User Defined Functions (UDF) to bring those functionalities using other languages like Java, Python, Ruby, etc. and embed it in Script file.

16)What are the components of Apache HBase?
HBase has three major components, i.e. HMaster Server, HBase RegionServer and Zookeeper.

Region Server: A table can be divided into several regions. A group of regions is served to the clients by a Region Server.
HMaster: It coordinates and manages the Region Server (similar as NameNode manages DataNode in HDFS).
ZooKeeper: Zookeeper acts like as a coordinator inside HBase distributed environment. It helps in maintaining server state inside the cluster by communicating through sessions.

17) Explain about the different catalog tables in HBase?

The two important catalog tables in HBase, are ROOT and META. ROOT table tracks where the META table is and META table stores all the regions in the system.

18)Differentiate between Sqoop and distCP.

DistCP utility can be used to transfer data between clusters whereas Sqoop can be used to transfer data only between Hadoop and RDBMS.

19)How would you check whether your NameNode is working or not?

There are several ways to check the status of the NameNode. Mostly, one uses the jps command to check the status of all daemons running in the HDFS

20)What is checkpointing in Hadoop?
Checkpointing is the process of combining the Edit Logs with the FsImage (File system Image). It is performed by the Secondary NameNode………..For more   Click Here

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PEGA Interview Questions & Answers

Our experts providing  PEGA  interview questions & answers/Faqs can develop your carrier & knowledge to find the right job in a good MNC’s, doesn’t matter what kind of company you’re hired.

1)What Is The Difference Between Listview And Summaryview ?

A summary view rule defines a two-level report display, presenting summary counts, totals or averages to be displayed initially, and allowing users to click a row to drill down to supporting detail for that row.
Summary view rules support interactive charts, trend reports, and the use of AJAX for pop-up Smart Info windows.
A summary view rule is an instance of the Rule-Obj-SummaryView rule type. This rule type is part of the Reports category.
A list view rule, an instance of the Rule-Obj-ListView rule type, defines a report. Users can personalize list view reports easily and interact with them.
Use the Report wizard to define list view reports and link them to our portal.

2)How To Call A List View From An Activity?

In an activity, the Obj-List-View can execute a list view rule.

3)What Is Paging In A Listview?

To divide the ListView in to different pages and set the number of records to be displayed in a page.

4)Can we refer the property without exposing in Reports?

We can refer the propertys in Display tab without exposing.
But we can’t refer the property without exposing in Critera fields of the Content tab.

5)What the class of getContent Activity?

Embed-ListParams class.

6) What is the activity responsible for getting the data in List View?

getContent Activity

7)How to customize the getContent Activity?

Step1: Create Activity in Our Class and create the New page
Step2: write a query and store in variable.
Step3: call the listview as Call Rule-Obj-ListView
Step4: Write the another activity in Embed-ListParams
Step5: create the parameter. This parameter get the sql query from previous activity
Step6: write Java method The java code in this method is
Get the page from pyContentPage if page already exists. If page is not available it creates the new ContentPage.
In this code get the sql query from the above parameter and pass this query and above created ContentPage as parameters to this tools.getDatabase().executeRDB(query, pagename) method.

8)How do we fetch the data from two different tables with out using two different tables?

Write a database View. In this view logically combine the Two different tables.
Create class for this logically combined Table.
Write the List View. Applies to class is class of the Combined table. So we can refer the properties of both the tables in list view.

9)Explain the operation of Activity-End method?

Use the Activity-End method to cause the system to End the current activity and all calling activities.
Ex:if Alpha calls Beta, which calls Gamma, which calls Delta, which performs the Activity-End method, all four activities are ended.

10) Explain about Exit-Activity method?

The Exit-Activity method ends the current activity and returns control to the calling activity.

11) Explain about Page-Copy method?

Page-Copy method is used to copy the contents of a source clipboard page to a new or previously created destination clipboard page. The source page is not altered.
After this method completes, the destination page contains properties copied from the source page, and can contain additional properties from a model.

12) Explain about Page-New method?

The Page-New method is used to create a page on the clipboard. The new page may be a top-level page or an embedded page.
We can identify a model to initialize the newly created page. The model can set values for one or more properties.

13) Explain about Page-Remove method?

Page-Remove method is used to delete one or more pages from the clipboard. The contents of the database are not affected.

14) Explain about Page-Set-Messages method?

Use the Page-Set-Messages method to add a message to a clipboard page. Like a message associated with a property, a message associated with a page normally prevents the page from being saved into the database.

15) Explain about Property-Set-Message?

Property-Set-Message method is used to associate a text message with a property or a step page. The system reads the appropriate property and adds the message to the page. We can provide the entire literal text of the message, or reference a message rule key that in turn contains message text. (Rule-Message rule type).

16) Explain about Property-Map-DecisionTable method?

Use the Property-Map-DecisionTable method to evaluate a decision table rule and save the result as the value of a property.

17) Explain about Property-Map-DecisionTree method?

The Property-Map-DecisionTree method is used to evaluate a decision tree rule (Rule-Declare-DecisionTree rule type) and store the result as the value of a property.

18) Explain about Property-Map-Value?

The Property-Map-Value method evaluates a one-dimensional map value (Rule-Obj-MapValue rule type) defined in the parameter. The method sets the result as a value for a Single Value property.
The related method Property-Map-ValuePair works similarly for two-dimensional map values.

19) Explain about Property-Remove method?

Property-Remove method is used to delete a property or properties and its associated value from the step page or another specified page. This does not affect the property rule, its definition.

20) Explain about Property-Set method?

Property-Set method is used to set the value of one or more specified properties.

21) Explain about Show-HTML method?

The Show-HTML method is used to cause the activity to process an HTML rule and send the resulting HTML to a user for display by Internet Explorer. This may involve the interpretation of JSP tags (or the older directives), which can access the clipboard to obtain property values, or can insert other HTML rules, and so on.

22) Explain about Show-Page method?

The Show-Page method is used to send an XML representation of the step page to a user’s Internet Explorer browser session, as an aid to debugging.
Note: Use Show-Page and Show-Property only for debugging.

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Android Application Development Interview Questions

Our experts providing  Android Application Development  interview questions & Answers/Faqs can develop your carrier & knowledge to find the right job in a good MNC’s, doesn’t matter what kind of company you’re hired.

1) What is Android?

Answer: It is an open-sourced operating system that is used primarily on mobile devices, such as cell phones and tablets. It is a Linux kernel-based system that’s been equipped with rich components that allows developers to create and run apps that can perform both basic and advanced functions.

2) What is the Android Architecture?

Answer: Android Architecture is made up of 4 key components:
– Linux Kernel
– Libraries
– Android Framework
– Android Applications

3) Describe the Android Framework.

Answer: The Android Framework is an important aspect of the Android Architecture. Here you can find all the classes and methods that developers would need in order to write applications on the Android environment.

4) What are the code names of android?

Ice Cream Sandwitch
Jelly Bean

5) What are the advantages of android?

Answer: Open-source: It means no licence, distribution and development fee.

Platform-independent: It supports windows, mac and linux platforms.

Supports various technologies: It supports camera, bluetooth, wifi, speech, EDGE etc. technologies.

Highly optimized Virtual Machine: Android uses highly optimized virtual machine for mobile devices, called DVM (Dalvik Virtual Machine).

6) Does android support other language than java?

Answer: Yes, android app can be developed in C/C++ also using android NDK (Native Development Kit). It makes the performance faster. It should be used with android SDK.

7) Differentiate Activities from Services.

Answer: Activities can be closed, or terminated anytime the user wishes. On the other hand, services are designed to run behind the scenes, and can act independently. Most services run continuously, regardless of whether there are certain or no activities being executed.

8) What is the importance of XML-based layouts?

Answer: The use of XML-based layouts provides a consistent and somewhat standard means of setting GUI definition format. In common practice, layout details are placed in XML files while other items are placed in source files.

9) What are the core building blocks of android?

Answer: The core building blocks of android are:

Content Provider
Fragment etc.

10) What is activity?

Answer: Activity is like a frame or window in java that represents GUI. It represents one screen of android.

11) When is the onStop() method invoked?

Answer: A call to onStop method happens when an activity is no longer visible to the user, either because another activity has taken over or if in front of that activity.

12) How can the ANR be prevented?

Answer: One technique that prevents the Android system from concluding a code that has been responsive for a long period of time is to create a child thread. Within the child thread, most of the actual workings of the codes can be placed, so that the main thread runs with minimal periods of unresponsive times.

13) What role does Dalvik play in Android development?

Answer: Dalvik serves as a virtual machine, and it is where every Android application runs. Through Dalvik, a device is able to execute multiple virtual machines efficiently through better memory management.

14) What is the AndroidManifest.xml?

Answer: This file is essential in every application. It is declared in the root directory and contains information about the application that the Android system must know before the codes can be executed.

15) What are the life cycle methods of android activity?

Answer: There are 7 life-cycle methods of activity. They are as follows:


16) What is intent?

Answer: It is a kind of message or information that is passed to the components. It is used to launch an activity, display a web page, send sms, send email etc. There are two types of intents in android:

Implicit Intent
Explicit Intent

17) What is implicit intent in android?

Ans: Implicit intent is used to invoke the system components.

18) What is explicit intent in android?

Ans: Explicit intent is used to invoke the activity class.

19) What is service in android?

Ans: A service is a component that runs in the background. It is used to play music, handle network transaction etc.

20) Which types of flags are used to run an application on Android?

Ans: Following are two types of flags to run an application in Android:

FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP………..For more Click Here

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Python Interview Question & Answers

Our experts providing  Python  interview questions & Answers/Faqs, It can develop your carrier & knowledge to find the right job in a good MNC’s, doesn’t matter what kind of company you’re hired.

1)What is Python? What are the benefits of using Python?

Python is a programming language with objects, modules, threads, exceptions and automatic memory management. The benefits of pythons are that it is simple and easy, portable, extensible, build-in data structure and it is an open source.

2)What is PEP 8?

PEP 8 is a coding convention, a set of recommendation, about how to write your Python code more readable.

3)What is pickling and unpickling?

Pickle module accepts any Python object and converts it into a string representation and dumps it into a file by using dump function, this process is called pickling. While the process of retrieving original Python objects from the stored string representation is called unpickling.

4) What are the tools that help to find bugs or perform static analysis?

PyChecker is a static analysis tool that detects the bugs in Python source code and warns about the style and complexity of the bug. Pylint is another tool that verifies whether the module meets the coding standard.

5)What are Python decorators?

A Python decorator is a specific change that we make in Python syntax to alter functions easily.

6)What is the difference between list and tuple?

The difference between list and tuple is that list is mutable while tuple is not. Tuple can be hashed for e.g as a key for dictionaries.

7) What is Dict and List comprehensions are?

They are syntax constructions to ease the creation of a Dictionary or List based on existing iterable.

8)What are the built-in type does python provides?

There are mutable and Immutable types of Pythons built in types Mutable built-in types

Immutable built-in types


9)What is namespace in Python?

In Python, every name introduced has a place where it lives and can be hooked for. This is known as namespace. It is like a box where a variable name is mapped to the object placed. Whenever the variable is searched out, this box will be searched, to get corresponding object.

10)What is lambda in Python?

It is a single expression anonymous function often used as inline function.

11)Why lambda forms in python does not have statements?

A lambda form in python does not have statements as it is used to make new function object and then return them at runtime.

12)In Python what are iterators?

In Python, iterators are used to iterate a group of elements, containers like list.

13)What is negative index in Python?

Python sequences can be index in positive and negative numbers. For positive index, 0 is the first index, 1 is the second index and so forth. For negative index, (-1) is the last index and (-2) is the second last index and so forth.

14) How you can convert a number to a string?

In order to convert a number into a string, use the inbuilt function str(). If you want a octal or hexadecimal representation, use the inbuilt function oct() or hex().

15)What is the difference between Xrange and range?

Xrange returns the xrange object while range returns the list, and uses the same memory and no matter what the range size is.

16) How can you share global variables across modules?

To share global variables across modules within a single program, create a special module. Import the config module in all modules of your application. The module will be available as a global variable across modules.

17)Explain how can you make a Python Script executable on Unix?

To make a Python Script executable on Unix, you need to do two things,

Script file’s mode must be executable and
the first line must begin with # ( #!/usr/local/bin/python)

18)Mention the use of // operator in Python?

It is a Floor Divisionoperator , which is used for dividing two operands with the result as quotient showing only digits before the decimal point. For instance, 10//5 = 2 and 10.0//5.0 = 2.0.

19) Mention the use of the split function in Python?

The use of the split function in Python is that it breaks a string into shorter strings using the defined separator. It gives a list of all words present in the string.

20)Explain what is the common way for the Flask script to work?

The common way for the flask script to work is

Either it should be the import path for your application
Or the path to a Python file

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R Language Interview Question & Answers

Our experts providing R Language interview questions & Answers/Faqs,
It can develop your carrier & knowledge to find the right job in a good MNC’s, doesn’t matter what kind of company you’re hired.

1. Explain What is R?

R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. It is an open source programming language. R provides a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques and is highly extensible. Data miners use it for developing statistical software and data analysis. One of the R’s strengths is the ease with which well-designed publication-quality plots can be produced, including mathematical symbols and formulae where needed. R is available as Free Software under the terms of the Free Software Foundation’s GNU General Public License in source code form. It compiles and runs on a wide variety of UNIX platforms and similar systems (including FreeBSD and Linux), Windows and MacOS. The R command line interface(CLI) consist of a prompt, usually the > character.

2) Explain the data import in R language.

R provides to import data in R language. To begin with the R commander GUI, user should type the commands in the command Rcmdr into the console. Data can be imported in R language in 3 ways such as:

Select the data set in the dialog box or enter the name of the data set as required.
Data is entered directly using the editor of R Commander via Data->New Data Set. This works good only when the data set is not too large.
Data can also be imported from a URL or from plain text file (ASCII), or from any statistical package or from the clipboard.

3)Why should you adopt R programming language?

R programming language is best for statistical, data analysis and machine learning. By using this language we can create objects, functions, and packages.R is an open source programming language.
By using R we can create any form of statistics and data manipulation. Furthermore, it can be used in almost every field of finance, marketing, sports etc. R Programming is extensible and hence, R groups are noted for its energetic contributions.
Lots of Rs typical features can be written in R itself and hence, R has gotten faster over time and serves as a glue language.

4)What is the best way to communicate the results of data analysis using R language?

The best possible way to do this is combine the data, code and analysis results in a single document using knitr for reproducible research. This helps others to verify the findings, add to them and engage in discussions. Reproducible research makes it easy to redo the experiments by inserting new data and applying it to a different problem.

5)How R commands are written?

By using # at the starting of the line of code like #division commands are written.

6) What is SAS and SPSS in R?

SAS stands for Statistical Analysis System. It was primarily developed to be able to analyze large quantities of agriculture data while SPSS stands for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and was developed for the social sciences and was the first statistical programming language for the PC.

7)What are with () and BY () functions used for?

With () function is used to apply an expression for a given dataset and BY () function is used for applying a function each level of factors.

8)What is t-tests() in R?

It is used to determine that the means of two groups are equal or not by using t.test() function.

9)What is the function used for adding datasets in R?

For adding two datasets rbind() function is used but the column of two datasets must be same.

Syntax: rbind(x1,x2……) where x1,x2: vector, matrix, data frames.

10)How can you add datasets in R?

rbind () function can be used add datasets in R language provided the columns in the datasets should be same.

11)What is difference between lapply and sapply?

lapply is used to show the output in the form of list whereas sapply is used to show the output in the form of vector or data frame

12) How many types of data types are provided by R?

There are 5 types of data types present in R:

Integer data type
Numeric data type
Character data type
Complex data type
Logical data type

13)What is the difference between seq(4) and seq_along(4)?

Seq(4) means vector from 1 to 4 (c(1,2,3,4)) whereas seq_along(4) means a vector of the length(4) or 1(c(1)).

14)What are the components of R functions?

The different parts of a function are −

Function Name − It is the actual name of the function because it stored in R environment as an object with this name.
Arguments − An argument is a placeholder. When a function invokes, we pass a value to the
argument. Arguments are optional; that is, a function may contain no arguments. Also, arguments can have default values.
Functions Body – In a function body, statements can be collected. and hence, it defines what the function does.
Return Value − the return value of a function is the last expression in the function body to check.

15)How will you check if an element 25 is present in a vector?

There are various ways to do this-

It can be done using the match () function- match () function returns the first appearance of a particular element.
The other is to use %in% which returns a Boolean value either true or false.
Is.element () function also returns a Boolean value either true or false based on whether it is present in a vector or not.

16)What is the memory limit of R?

In 32 bit system memory limit is 3Gb but most versions limited to 2Gb and in 64 bit system memory limit is 8Tb.

17)Name the functions which helps in importing data from other applications in R?


18)What is the difference between rnorm and runif functions ?

rnorm function generates “n” normal random numbers based on the mean and standard deviation arguments passed to the function.

Syntax of rnorm function –

rnorm(n, mean = , sd = )

runif function generates “n” unform random numbers in the interval of minimum and maximum values passed to the function.

Syntax of runif function –

runif(n, min = , max = )

19)How to create vectors in R?

a) To create a vector using integers:

For Example, We use the colon operator (:) in R.
The code 2:6 gives you a vector with the numbers 2 to 6, and 3:-4 create a vector with the numbers 3 to –4, both in steps of 1.

b) We use the seq() to make steps in a sequence.

Seq() function used to describe by which the numbers should decrease or increase.

For Example In R, the vector with a numbers 4.5 to 3.0 in steps of 0.5.

> seq(from = 4.5, to = 3.0, by = -0.5)
[1] 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 c
You can specify the length of the sequence by using the argument out. R calculates the step size itself. For Example We can make a vector of nine values going from –2.7 to 1.3 like this:

> seq(from = -2.7, to = 1.3, length.out = 9)
[1] -2.7 -2.2 -1.7 -1.2 -0.7 -0.2 0.3 0.8 1.3

20)What will be the result of multiplying two vectors in R having different lengths?

The multiplication of the two vectors will be performed and the output will be displayed with a warning message like – “Longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length.” Suppose there is a vector a<-c (1, 2, 3) and vector b <- (2, 3) then the multiplication of the vectors a*b will give the resultant as 2 6 6 with the warning message. The multiplication is performed in a sequential manner but since the length is not same, the first element of the smaller vector b will be multiplied with the last element of the larger vector a.

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Tableau Interview Question & Answers

Our experts providing Tableau interview questions & Answers/Faqs,
It can develop your carrier & knowledge to find the right job in a good MNC’s, doesn’t matter what kind of company you’re hired.

1)What is Tableau?

Tableau is a business intelligence software that allows anyone to connect to respective data, and then visualize and create interactive, shareable dashboards.

2)What is the difference between .twb and .twbx extension?

A .twb is an xml document which contains all the selections and layout made you have made in your Tableau workbook. It does not contain any data.
A .twbx is a ‘zipped’ archive containing a .twb and any external files such as extracts and background images.

3)What is the difference between Tableau and Traditional BI Tools?

Tableau provides easy to use, best in class, visual analytic capabilities but has nothing to do with the data foundation or plumbing. But with an integration with a SQL server it can be the complete package.

On the other hand traditional BI tools have the before mentioned capabilities but then you have to deal with significant amount of upfront costs. The cost of consulting, software and hardware is comparatively quite high.

4)How many maximum tables can you join in Tableau?

You can join a maximum of 32 tables in Tableau.

5)What are Quick Filters in Tableau?

Global quick filters are a way to filter each worksheet on a dashboard until each of them contains a dimension. They are very useful for worksheets using the same data source, which sometimes proves to a disadvantage and generate slow results. Thus, parameters are more useful.

6)What are Filters? How many types of filters are there in Tableau?

Filter is nothing but it is restricted to unnecessary, it is showing exact data. Basically filters are 3 types.
1. Quick filter
2. Context filter
3. Datasource filter

7)How to remove the All options from a Tableau auto – filter?

Right click filter>>customize>>uncheck show all option

8)Can we use non – used columns (Columns which are not used in reports but data source has columns) in Tableau Filters?

Ex. In data source I have column like
empID, EmpName, EmpDept,EmpDsignation, EmpSalary
In reports I am using empname on columns and empsalry on rows.
I can use empDesignation on Filters

9)What are sets?

Sets are custom fields that define a subset of data based on some conditions. A set can be based on a computed condition, for example, a set may contain customers with sales over a certain threshold. Computed sets update as your data changes. Alternatively, a set can be based on specific data point in your view.

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